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Latest News: September 2018
Funding Update: 'Latest on the Grant Awarded to Epping Forest Sunflower Group in 2017'
Grange Farm Centre Trust was very pleased to help fund the Epping Forest Sunflower Group (EFSG) to enable them to run a series of local Sensory Walks and creative workshops during March to October 2017.
EFSG also used the Trust's premises to run one of the workshops. People from all backgrounds and disabilities were given opportunities to develop new and existing skills in photography, art, music and multimedia skills. The funding for equipment, along with support from Epping Forest District Council, provided an iPad, cameras, and laptop so photos and video could be downloaded and edited thus producing prints for an exhibition of the project in January 2018 as well as going on the Sunflowers new website.
The project enabled the Group to link up with other groups in the area as well as gaining new members and volunteers and it hopes to run similar projects in the future.
We are pleased to report that the group continues to be very active in 2018 and their latest news and upcoming workshops can be found on their website
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