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Latest News

Latest News: August 2018

‘Roding Valley Meadows Nature Reserve receives Green Flag Award 2018’





I am delighted to announce that the Roding Valley Nature Reserve in association with the Essex Wildlife Trust, Grange Farm Centre and Epping Forest DC has been awarded the Green Flag Award for 2018.


The Green Flag Award® scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.

Its purpose and aims are……

  • To ensure that everybody has access to quality green and other open spaces, irrespective of where they live.

  • To ensure that these spaces are appropriately managed and meet the needs of the communities that they serve.

  • To establish standards of good management.

  • To promote and share good practice amongst the green space sector.

  • To recognise and reward the hard work of managers, staff and volunteers.







With regards to the Roding Valley Nature Reserve, the Green Flag assessment included some of the following strengths…..


Presentation: Comprehensive information regarding management of habitats, landscape, risk assessments, action plans.

Health, Safety & Security: Robust Essex Wildlife Trust (EWT) health and safety policy and risk assessments for the activities.


Maintenance of equipment, buildings & landscape: Excellent maintenance of landscape & equipment. Comprehensive and detailed work programmes


Environmental Management: Every aspect of the site’s environmental management addressed, with comprehensive action plans and progress reports.

Biodiversity, Landscape and Heritage: Management of bio-diversity and landscape very well covered. Aspects of heritage ie former RAF involvement on site identified.


Community Involvement: Community involved well with strong volunteer programme, Liaison Group to assist communication with local community. Issues between user groups identified and addressed well.  Aspirations for school/education visits


Marketing & Communication: Very good information on EWT website. Interpretation boards present on site, volunteer programme in place. Aspirations for educational visits and interpretation centre.


Overall management: Very comprehensive regarding management of flora, fauna and landscape including work programmes, progress reports and action plans. Risk assessments and health and safety policy are in place.



I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Mike Poole, Catherine Mercer (EWT) and volunteers who make Roding Valley/Grange Farm the wonderful facility that it is, and we hope that the local community continues to enjoy and support it.



Rob Draper
Site Manager



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